Memorial & Recognition Log

The CPS Foundation Memorial & Recognition Log 

The Memorial & Recognition Log has existed since the Foundation's inception and enshrines the names of Squadron Members and others who have been memorialized over many, many years.

The log is used to remember a deceased member, to recognize a member who has contributed significantly to CPS-ECP, and to celebrate a significant event such as:

The log can also be used to recognize a significant event such as:

  • A Squadron's or District's significant anniversary
  • A CPS-ECP Member achieving their Life Membership or other significant event or contribution
  • Any other memorable CPS-ECP event

In the case of a deceased member, the memorial is acknowledged to the donor(s) and the bereaved family is suitably informed. A numbered receipt will be issued for each donation of $25.00 or more. The charitable receipt issued to individuals can be used in calculating the charitable donations credit for income tax purposes.

The Memorial & Recognition Log itself is usually displayed for viewing at the Annual General Meeting of CPS-ECP.  A digital copy of the Memorial & Recognition Log pages are attached for viewing anytime. (Please see below)

Who may Donate?

  • CPS-ECP Members
  • USPS Members
  • Family, friends and relatives
  • In fact ANYONE may contribute to a memorable remembrance and at the same time further the objectives of our Organization.
  • Corporate Donations may be made in recognition of Volunteers.

For making a donation by cheque - You can download the donation form (PDF Version) or (Word Versioncomplete the form and mail with your cheque made payable to The CPS Foundation to the address noted on the form.

Or you can send your donation request to or phone 1-888-277-2628 ext. 0157 

For making a donation via e-Transfer - In conjunction with the e-Transfer transaction, please forward the Memorial Log e-transfer donation form (PDF Version) or (Word Version) as an attachment to to facilitate documentation processing.  Thank you.

To view the Current Memorial & Recognition Log pages please click here.

Year      Pages   
1973 - 1980 1 - 19
1981 - 1989 19 - 57
1990 - 1994 57 - 90
1995 - 1999 91 - 148
2000 - 2003 149 - 206
2004 - 2009 207 - 252
2010 - 2019 253 - 292
2020 - 2024 293 - 306